DMK's unique 4 stage concept of revising the skin, REMOVE, REBUILD, PROTECT, MAINTAIN has won worldwide recognition. Where other manufacturers only focus on the REMOVE aspect of skin revision, DMK goes a few steps further delivering consistent, permanent results that ensures that you'll never ever need another skin treatment again.
Quite simply, we treat the condition and the cause. At DMK, we analyze your skin and tailor our treatments and products to work with its underlying processes, addressing the dysfunctions that cause the skin condition. Only when these are rectified, can skin truly achieve its natural balance.
Nature, Science and Your Skin-Hand in Hand! Your skin only responds to chemistry it recognizes as its own and treatments that simulate the natural functioning of the skin - it's as simple as that!
DMK's revolutionary skincare system works with the structure and function of the skin. It doesn't just treat the surface as is the case with some other systems. DMK treatments are designed to work with the skin using natural product ingredients that emulate the skin's own chemistry
We imitate nature for natural results - the way your skin was meant to work!
Over the years, DMK's unique innovations in the skincare industry have changed the way aestheticians view and treat the skin. DMK specializes in customized paramedical pre-and post-operative treatments and resurfacing skin revision systems to encourage optimum results.